ERRANDFOLKS is getting bigger and stronger. Need more volunteers to help the seniors

  • Post category:COVID-19

Errand Folks is a volunteer-based platform providing services to the Deaf elderly and Deaf community whose health is currently at-risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us are afraid and cannot go out to shop for food. Don’t worry because you can contact Errand Folks with 65+ volunteers all over the United States and they’re happy to help!

They can be reached at this e-mail:

Thanks to Myles Goldberg’s efforts, ErrandFolks is composed of deaf volunteers all over the country who will do the shopping and delivering the food to your doorsteps at no additional costs to deaf seniors who are being quarantined by coronavirus. All you have to is to contact ErrandFolks at, for assistance.

DSA has agreed to collect donations to cover personal expenses made by volunteer-based ErrandFolks. Please send checks payable to DSA with the name of ErrandFolks written on the memo line to Michael Lockhart who is the treasurer of DSA. Thanks a million for your help!

Michael Lockhart, DSA Treasurer
5619 Ainsley Ct,
Boynton Beach, FL 33437

Call for Exhibitors

Contact Name
Early Bird Special (end December 31st, 2022):
Standard Rate:
Exhibit Reservations
Number of booths: For more than five booths, please contact:
Please print the following information exactly as you wish it to appear in the program book and booth identification sign:
Program Book Identification/Booth Description Sign
Type your name and it will be considered as a signature:
Payment Section
Credit card information and this contract can also be faxed. A $40- charge will be assessed on all returned checks.
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Call for Presentations

Self or Organization (if applicable)
Self or Organization (if applicable)
Please submit your biography relevant to your qualifications for this presentation. Your biography will be printed in the conference program and posted on our web. Please submit up to 300 words in a written/narrative format and NOT a CV/resume.
Titles should be concise and intriguing. Attendees will choose from up to five (5) other session titles per time block.
Descriptions should be no more than 100 words and will be printed in the program book. Suggested format: Describe the activities that will result in the projected outcomes
Please describe what AV your presentation requires, such as flipcharts, PowerPoint, video clips etc. PLEASE NOTE: DSA 2023 Conference DOES NOT PROVIDE LAPTOPS.
• Your proposal in detail including specific examples, goals and objectives
• Your expertise in the topic you select to discuss
• Strategies that support overcoming obstacles, best practices, how can one implement these strategies across the deaf senior community
DSA2023 accepts APPLICATIONS in 3 different formats - workshop, lecture, and/or panel. All sessions will take place between June 26 through 28, 2023.
Please check off all boxes that apply.
ROOM SET UP - Session rooms are set in theatre style. We try to accommodate set up when possible, please list your preference below:
Please offer in the space below any additional information that the program committee should be aware of when reviewing your submission/presentation.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

DSA 2023 Hollywood, FL Raffle

Contact the Deaf Seniors of America, Inc.

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